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H u m b o l d t   B i c y c l i s t s

W   E   L   C   O   M   E
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Eka 6-28-24 Ocean Lela
Eka Critical Mass 7-3-22
Welcome to Humboldt Bicyclists Club!  We are a group of cyclists who come together to ride, explore, improve our cycling, stay fit, make friends, and have fun.  Our club aims to offer a variety of rides for all skill levels, from leisurely family rides to long distance adventures.  Our offerings are driven by our volunteer ride leaders. We also seek to co-list on our calendar just about every group ride in Humboldt.*

We are a group of friends who come together to ride bikes.  We do want to maintain safety on rides and teach safe cycling - but participants generally ride at their own risk.  Club policies - such as whether or not to carry insurance - will be made with careful input from concerned parties.  ("Accidents do happen" - though they can be greatly reduced by practicing safe, defensive cycling.)

Although you don't need to join the club to view our calendar, joining has several benefits!  Please see our "About Us" page. 

We promote a culture of safety, respect, challenge, and fun.  Whether you're a casual rider looking for a new outing or a seasoned pro, we would love to have you ride with us!

*We won't list single track mountain bike riding.  They have their own well-organized group, Redwood Coast Mountain Bike Association.
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